install CGAL 3.6 on Visual Studio 2010
To install CGAL 3.6 on Visual Studio 2010, Win 7 1. install cmake (using latest 2.8.1) 1.1. There is remark that you need to change CMakeVS10FindMake.cmake where is that ? If using Binary distribution, it will be $(CMAKE_DIR)\share\cmake-2.8\Modules If you like to complie by yourself, it will be &(CMAKE_DIR)\Modules 1.2 To complie by yourself, you need to change the file first, and download cmake Binary to make project(it sounds wired but please see Installing CMake ). 1.3 After making project, you can use Visual Studio 2010 to make binary Sample open .sln file and run release 2. Configure your "system envirnoment", add $(CMAKE_DIR)\bin in "path" for you can execute cmake anytime. For Binary ditribution: $(CMAKE_DIR)\bin (example) For src compiled: $(CMAKE_DIR)\bin\$(OUTDIR) 3. Install Boost (latest 1.43.0) because boostpro do not support vs 2010, you have to compile by yourself. 3.1 download Boost http:/...